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Voorwaarden Deelname Concours

Het Internationale Concours van Wheels Mariënwaerdt is een onderdeel voor mooie oldtimers, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat iedere mooie oldtimer in iedere editie van het concours past. Voor iedere editie worden thema’s gekozen. Uiteraard is het van belang dat uw auto binnen een van deze thema’s past. Is dit het geval, dan kunt u zich inschrijven om deel te nemen.

De onderstaande voorwaarden, spelregels en inschrijfformulier zijn in het Engels. Mocht dit voor u een probleem zijn, dan helpen wij u graag verder als u ons een mail stuurt op

1 – The concours is limited to 75 cars. Allocation will be subject to acceptance by the organizing committee.
2 – Entries with a FIVA passport will have preference.
3 – It is strictly forbidden to fix any advertising on participating cars. This includes sale signs, telephone numbers, non-original registration plates and anything which could suggest that the car is for sale. Breaching this rule will lead to immediate removal from the concours site.
4 – Confirmation of acceptance will be send to entrants by the organizers.
5 – Cars which have been entered in the event before will have to wait for at least 3 years to be able to take part again. Past class winners are only welcome to take part in case of a special theme or brand-related class.
6 – The organizers reserve the right to cancel the event for whatever reason.
7 – We, the undersigned, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers and their officials of the event, and all other bodies or companies and individuals associated with, or participating in the event (and their respective employees and agents) against all proceedings, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of any act, default, negligence or breach of statutory duty.
8 – In signing the entry application, entrants agree to the conditions above and the events regulations.

Rules of the game
The organizer’s selection committee will decide upon acceptance of cars based on the following criteria: historic value, technical & aesthetical authenticity and elegance. All participating cars should be in perfect working order and be driven on their own power to the concours site. Cars which are accepted on the above terms will be entered in pre-defined classes to the discretion of the organizing committee.
The jury expects full cooperation of the entrant while judging a car, including opening up doors and bonnets, starting the engine and give all information regarding a car’s history. Extra points could awarded if a car is presented by the entrant(s) wearing period dress.
The judges will make their inspection rounds along the entered cars both on Saturday and Sunday. Entrants should be with their cars for official inspection at least on Sunday, from 10 am to 12:30 pm. Absence of entrants during the afore mentioned time slot will lead to exclusion of the car from being inspected.
Judging will be carried out by teams of Three (3) to five (5) judges per class. The jury will meet on Sunday at 12 pm, to discuss results and decide class winners, and choose Best of Show. At 2 pm prize winners will be notified and be requested to present themselves with their cars, and be ready for the prize giving ceremony which is planned for 3 pm sharp.

Bestel tickets voor
Wheels Mariënwaerdt 2025
